What to do if your device is lost or stolen
If you have a remote device management app, such as Android
Device Manager, set up on your device, visit the remote
device management website and sign in. Depending on the remote device management app installed on your device, you
might be able to:
• Lock your device
• Make your device ring
• Add a phone number or message to the home screen of your device
• View the approximate location of your device on a map
• Delete all of the data on your device
If your device is not connected to the wireless network or if data services are turned off, you should still try to lock your
device and delete your device data. The next time your device connects to a wireless network, or data services are turned
on, your device is designed to lock and delete all the data.
If you don't have a remote device management app set up on your device, contact your service provider or your
administrator and report that your device is lost or stolen. Your service provider can lock your device remotely and delete
your data. If you use your device for work, your administrator might also be able to lock your device and delete your data.
If you suspect your device was stolen and you locate your device using a remote device management website, contact the
local law enforcement agency to retrieve your device. Don't try to retrieve your device on your own.